Message Queue and how to use it

About Message Queue (MQ) In order to support near-real-time data communication, the PDi Digital system provides customers and partners data via message queues. A message queue is a form of asynchronous service-to-service communication. Messages are stored on the queue until they are processed and deleted. Each message is processed only once, by a single consumer. […]

Gateways and how to add them

About At least one Gateway is required for sepioo® to function. Gateways send and receive radio signals to and from the Digital Displays and other devices. PDi Digital recommends to use the Gateways sold by PDi Digital (AP 2010 and VusionGate) because we use them daily to test and develop the whole sepioo® Platform.Third-party hardware can […]

Templates and how to use them

About Templates Templates are a crucial part of the sepioo® System and are the core of the service we provide to all our customers at PDi Digital. They can be managed by any user who has access and basic knowledge about them. Templates must be managed in the sepioo® Platform, and in order for them […]

Actions and how to use them

About Actions Actions in sepioo® Platform are crucial for any complex use case. They are used to perform several functions:  To automate workflows To react on events from our sepioo® platform To integrate sepioo® seamlessly into your software  Each action is assigned to: an Entity type (1) and a Trigger (2)Only “Active” actions will be executed […]

Objects and how to add them

About Objects Adding at least one Object is mandatory for sepioo® to work. Object would represent a single device, or a group of Digital Displays mounted on a micro location such as a shelf, workstation, machine or desk. The object contains the data to be rendered on the Digital Display.  An object can have several […]

Device Configurations and how to use them

About Device Configurations Device Configurations can be set up to perform simple tasks on Digital Displays, or they can be configured to perform more complex tasks, usually in combination with Actions. The simplest example of a task would be to simply change the page of a Display and/or not require any Actions to be performed on […]